Life Support | Live Webinars


Ashley Wood, LCSW, LAB Method teacher and parent of a child with epilepsy is partnering with UCSF Pediatric Epilepsy Center of Excellence in San Francisco to present a series of interactive webinars about dealing and adjusting to life with an epilepsy diagnosis.

We realize that epilepsy is one of the most complicated diagnoses to navigate. In response to this hard reality, we are offering a free service that allows you to ask questions that are specific to your unique home and epilepsy.  The LAB Method team and Ashley will review your questions regularly and will present responses at monthly webinars. 

UCSF families are welcome to join the live webinar. Look for an email with log in information from Leila Marks-Block, Pediatric Epilepsy Patient Navigator. If you are a non-UCSF family, you will have access to a free recording posted at below.

Questions and Responses from Webinar : January 2019

Question 1: What do I do when my doctor says there are no other options for my child, and I may just have to accept that this is how things are going to be?

Answer: Scroll to 4:22

Question 2: It's flu season and I'm terrified to take my kid anywhere there might be kids. What do I do?

Answer: Scroll to 19:45

Question 3: The biggest thing we worry about this stage of our daughter's life is can she be alone in the world, and how do we handle non-school day's unstructured time? Can she walk the dog or walk into town? What about camps?

Answer: Scroll to 35:32



We Invite You to Interact with Ashley

Leave your messages up to 5 minutes in length via the blue button below. Please include the following information:

  • Age of your child

  • Current health status / diagnosis

  • Length of time you have known about your child’s epilepsy

  • Are their siblings/if so, how many

  • Anything else that might help us better respond to your question

We are excited to start hearing from you! To begin, hit the “Start recording” button below.


Disclaimer: This service is not intended for emergencies and crisis oriented questions. If you are in crisis and in need of immediate attention, contact your on-call neurologist, pediatrician and/or 911.